Cheater Pizza
The DH and I got home on Sunday evening about 7 pm. We went for a walk, as we often do, to restore ourselves after 3 hours in the car. At the end, we were hungry, so we picked up a frozen pizza. We came home and made a decent pizza into a great one. We added chard, zucchini, tomatoes, herbs and Parmesan. It was really, really good and pretty darn fast. And even better, we upped the nutritional value. What cheater recipes do you have that are fast AND nutritious?
I love "cheater pizza", especially after a full day or work. I recently got a grill pan and I'll grill up a batch of veggies and then use them for all sorts of dishes, including putting them on a plain cheese frozen pizza. Yum!
Your pizza looks incredibly delicious!
And by the way (regarding the Literary Tea from yesterday), our county's population is 125,000, so I think it's pretty neat that for a place our size we have four libraries! I know you are a fellow public library supporter and can appreciate that!
Put on a pot of water for spaghetti, saute whatever veggies you have in the fridge, add some meat if you have it, add whatever herbs and spices seem good to you, pour it all over pasta, add a lot of grated cheese and voila! Or I make a fritatta - frizzle up what ever veggies you like - I like potato, onion and pepper, cut in smallish dice. When cooked add a bunch of beaten eggs, cook until fairly solid and then eith flip or finish under the broiler.
That pizza looks very good. I really like veggie pizza, especially if you can find good low fat cheese.
Did you do anything to the chard before putting it on the pizza? I LOVE zucchini on pizza. And in fajitas. And muffins. And and and... Yum!
Ooooo, I would like to jump right in a take a big bite of this one!! yummmmm
Beth - All veggies were raw. I just tore the chard into pieces and scattered across the pizza.
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