Friday, December 16, 2011

New Tea Thermos, New Scarf

I got a new tea thermos, one made by Thermos, ha ha.  It's the 12-oz Nissan with two lids, one for brewing tea and one for drinking.  I like it!  (Let me also say that I love this Livestrong thermos, too.) 

The way the tea brewing works in the Nissan is like this:
1 - Preheat thermos.
2 - Add fresh hot water to the fill line.
3 - Add desired amount of tea to the infuser basket and screw in.
4 - Screw on the top lid.
5 - Turn upside down and brew.  (Yep, upside down!)
6 - When done, turn right side up, remove infuser basket and screw in drinking lid.  Add top lid, and off you go.

Here's a close-up of the infuser basket with a couple of tea leaves stuck inside.  ;-)  I'm quite pleased with the thermos.  I like that it's only 12 ounces - it fits well inside my backpack.  The top lid also keeps things dry, so I don't have to worry about liquid leaks. 

Unrelated, other than it's new scarf.  I made it from this tutorial, and I really love it! 
 Wear it doubled up like this...

Or long like this. 

I also made a purple/grey one out of lighter-weight knit fabric.  It's amazing how the weight of the fabric makes such a difference!  It's a very different scarf, but I love it too.

The first one takes a few minutes to figure out, the braiding and the tubular sewing of the seams.  The tutorial writer does a great job of walking you through the steps, even including a video.  After the first one, these become super-easy to make!  I can think of many variations and fun ways to try it out.

Happy weekend!


Teafan said...

Oh, OH!!! Love this!

Ginger said...

Glad you like your new tea thermos. I've had that model for probably 8 years and I love it! I use it everyday. Mine doesn't have a fill line, that must be a new addition. After all this time I just know where to pour the water too. :-) I actually pour the water over the leaves in the steeper basket.

Steph said...

Hey, Ginger - thanks for that tip, too!

parTea lady said...

I like that thermos and your new scarf.

sweetcakes said...

I love the scarf, Steph!!

Inspired but Tired said...

the new thermos is very nice! I also love the scarf!! :)

Marilyn Miller said...

Both the thermos and the scarf look intriguing. I have a thermos that I hoped you could turn it and steep, but it doesn't work so well. This one looks much better.

Angela McRae said...

I didn't know Thermos made a tea Thermos (but of course!). Glad to hear it works well. And I love your new scarf--so stylish!