Wednesday, December 02, 2009

It's Here! Giveaway Day 2009

It's here! Sew, Mama, Sew's annual handmade giveaway day. It's a very, very fun event and I'm excited to be a part of it! Check out all the participants and leave comments at their blogs to be considered for a prize.
My contribution to this event includes the following fabulous prizes:
  • Handmade envelopes/cards (like these)
  • Homemade hot chocolate mix with homemade marshmallows
  • Some very flavorful tea (coconut pouchong)
  • A poem written just for the event

To enter, please leave a comment, and if you don't have a blogger account, leave me a way to get in touch (e-mail). Good luck! And thank you for your participation!

Winner announced on Monday, December 7th.


ABCD Diaries said...

Lovely prizes!! Thanks!
christinbanda at yahoo dot com

Dee said...

Hot chocolate for me please if I'm so lucky to win! Yummy!

Thanks for the chance to win such a great giveaway!
Merry Christmas!

HobbyGirl said...

I found your blog on SewMamaSew! I never know if anyone can get ahold of me but hopefully through my google profile?

Jerri said...

Your giveaway sounds like a little vacation. What a 'sweet' idea!

Nicole said...

Thanks for the chance to win some great prizes. That tea sounds great - I'm drinking some plain old black tea as I read through all the great giveaways.


Steph said...

Oh, this is fun! Thank you for playing - please keep it coming!

Monica said...

Fun prize! Thanks!

Lena said...

Such great prizes.

Hammond Bride said...

What a fun giveaway! Thanks!

Heather R. said...

Great giveaway.


KJ said...

I would love to win your giveaway!

parTea lady said...

All your giveaway items sound great. I'd really like a cup of that coconut pouchong right about now. Thanks for participating, Steph.

silvermage2000 said...

Thanks for the contest. Hope I win. Great prizes.

Katie said...

Homemade cocoa and yummy tea - MMM!

Lisa said...

I knew I could find you here on the SMS site! :)

I can vouch for how sweet your giveaway is!

Melanie said...

Please enter me in your giveaway! (Did you make the marshmallows? I'm so curious about homemade marshmallows, but I haven't tried them myself yet.)

Steph Jacobson said...

I love your handmade envelopes, and I'm also a big fan of reusing items if possible. I bookmarked your tutorial as a favorite. I don't think I'll have time to make envelopes for this year's Christmas cards, but I'm putting it on the list for next year. Thanks for sharing!

Amanda said...

I'm super excited about the marshmallows and hot chocolate mix. Nice give-away. Thanks!

Regina said...

sounds delightful!

Laurie said...

What cute handmade cards and they are recycled! Yahoo..

Elizabeth said...

This looks like a very fun giveaway! What great prizes. But if I win you can keep the coconut tea. I'm allergic to coconut. :(

KimberlyFDR said...


Megan said...

Please sign me up! Sounds like a lovely prize pack!

Grammie/Mom said...

Tea and hot chocolate with extras? I love it. Thanks.

Jen said...

sounds great!

You can contact me at
Thanks for your generosity!

Crystal Hendrix said...

Wow what a great giveaway!! Thanks!!

Simply EC said...

My husband wants that tea! (We're on a buying tea ban until we move, but there's nothing against winning some!)

miller lawn service said...

sounds absolutely delightful. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a chance to win these wonderful prizes <3

Anonymous said...

I like those envelopes. I love hot chocolate. yum. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. -dez


Sara said...

Those prizes sound wonderful!!!

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

RyanSarahN said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I was planning on making homemade marshmallows this year, never tried it before!

Sheila Cain-sample said...

What a great idea I think I need to do that. Love to read your blog.

mep said...

Sounds great! I'm going to start brainstorming for my own giveaway.

I'm with Melanie, wondering about homemade marshmallows. I recently cut out a recipe and have been wondering if they're worth the trouble!

Melissa said...

Homemade hot chocolate! Say no more! I'm in!

Your prizes are really fun and unique! Thanks!


Marianne said...

Anything with chocolate, count me in!

Mandy said...

Thoes are great looking cards. I've been hearing so much about homemade marshmallows lately. I may hav eto try my hand at them.

Always Sewing said...

great prices, thanks

Morgan said...

Now you've got me thinking about reduce and reuse. Thanks for that and for the great prizes.

Tea Over Coffee said...

What a great prize! Homemade marshmellows sound yummy!

MM4ver said...

sounds awesome! I can always use more note cards
meganlfuchs at gmail dot com

AZ Tea Lover said...

Are you making the marshmallows? Yum...I hope this turns out to be another fun event for you.

Lisa said...

What a great giveaway! I love the cards! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Mama Lusco said...

Wonderful prizes! Thanks for the giveaway. alusco(at)centurytel(dot)net

Libby said...

Mmmm hot cocoa mix . Thanks so much !

Anonymous said...

What a creative giveaway package! Thanks!

Sarita said...

oh boy oh boy, all my favorite things together in one giveaway! notecards for writing letters while drinking tea and cocoa... hooray! thanks for the opportunity to enter your awesome giveaway :)
sarita0818 at comcast dot net

the monkeys' mama said...

Wow! What fun prizes! The chocolate sounds soooo yummy to this pregnant lady :)

thank you!

Llamabean said...

What a lovely giveaway!
Homemade marshamllows sounds wonderful, I have always wanted to try making them but no one else in my family (yes, not house, whole family) likes marshmallows. So Sad.
Thanks for the great chance.

Megan said...

how neat! thanks for doing a giveaway!

ilovebabyquilts said...

You're so talented! Great stuff! Can't wait to read the poem.

Shanda said...

Hot chocolate, yummy yummy yum. I'm thirsty now, hang on. . .


April in Autumn said...

The tea and hot cocoa sound so great! I love homemade edibles. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Steph - this is Teabag with

If it's ok, I'd like to donate 5 prizes toward your giveaway Day 2009?

5 prizes of:

1/2 lb of any tea on

I'm a fan of your blog and think this giveaway is awesome!!

you can email me at patrick at

Dr. Bec said...

what a lovely giveaway! thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I love the re-use in creating the lovely envelopes. Thanks for participating in the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

If I should happen to win, please let me know at elizabethdaming(at)yahoo(dot)com

tabitha said...

Love homemade marshmellows!

Anonymous said...

Love the prizes! Thanks for the chance to win!

Heather at Mad Rose Creations said...

Ooo I love your prize. The homemade marshmallows would be wonderful to try.

Nanbon44 said...

sounds wonderful to me, a real getaway type giveaway.

Lisa said...

Fun items! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting and very cool. Count me in!

Gill said...

oooh - count me in please!!
gill x

La Tea Dah said...

Fun! I would love to be entered in your give-away!

Happy day to you!

Anne said...

This sounds great, I love that wrote a poem for this.

ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Susan said...

Sounds too cute! Sign me up please...

Emily said...

Homemade marshmallows sound delicious!

Sue Cahill said...

What a lovely prize, perfect to have on hand for guests or just to pamper myself.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

carriegirl said...

These are cute! And a special poem? So nice! Thanks for the opportunity!

Kimberly said...

Sounds great!

Spendlove said...

Dreamin' of the hot cocoa - a favorite. Thanks for the chance

sarah in the woods said...

Lovely! Thanks for the opportunity.

Fowl Single File said...

Mmmm, I'm always up for a new tea experience. Loose leaf tea is always the first thing on my Christmas list each year. Thanks for sharing you goods!

daizee said...

What a fun prize!

Catherine said...

I love the cards! I sent similar cards one year for Christmas :)

Nicole said...

I love those cards and envelopes! I keep meaning to make some marshmallows but getting them in the mail might be better!

Breanna S. said...

I love hot chocolate.

Jingle said...

I love recycled paper envelopes! Yours are really cute, too!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Ginny said...

I've always wanted to try homemade marshmallows!

sandyandcosmo said...

Oh, I love homemade marshmallows!

Greta said...

Homemade marshmellows? Now I am going to have to start searching the web to find out how to make such a thing :)

luke and pamela said...

crossing my fingers - these sound lovely. :)

sandandstarfish said...

ooooo! i love homemade items with paper ;) my fav!
i really hope i win! really reaaaaaaally hope i win!
happy holidays and thanks for the chance to win!
yawkar618 at yahoo dot com

FlowerMomma said...

fun! MERRY Christmas!

Yume Design said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway. keeping my fingers crossed.

Holly U said...

Fun! I look forward to seeing what those notecards look like!

JD said...

Oooo coconut tea? That sounds lovely!

sofficelavanda said...

Hi, I'm an italian fan of tea. :-)
I like your site, and I've seen your a tea lover.. :-)

Danielle said...

mmmm tea and cocoa! oh pick me!!

Carly said...

Great giveaway!! :)

ILuvBNaMom said...

What a cool blog - all about tea - I love tea! You've chosen a great set of giveaway items. Who would have thought of homemade marshmallows! I hope I win just so I can taste them for myself! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I was just puzzling over the cards I received last year, trying to figure out a way to reuse them. I hate to buy storebought cards and have them end up in the trash! (Actually, my favorite cards to receive from people are the photo cards -- I save them and put them up every year.) Anyway, all this is to say, nice giveaway!


Kelly said...

MMmm hot chocolate sounds so good on this snowy night.
okoraf at netscape dot net

itsgottabeodin said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

Denise said...

Hi I am a hot drink fiend! Thanks for such a great giveaway!! I am following you now with blogger. Merry CHRISTmas:)

♥Lola said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for hosting it!

StephanieS said...

Homemade marshmallows! Those sound yummy. I would be so happy to win. Thanks for giving away this year.

free indeed said...

Sounds delish! freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

Brooke said...

Homemade marshmallows!? I didnt know you could make them.. I thought they were produced on another planet kinda like twinkies! How wonderful!

Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Those envelopes are great and I LOVE coconut!

Mama24Monkeys said...

You had me at handmade marshmellows...

Lisa said...

Love the giveaway items!

Kelli said...

I am so intrigued by a special poem and my husband LOVES some marshmallows--I might share if I were to win!

momma rae said...

what a fun idea for a giveaway! those cards and envelopes are great!!! thanks for the opportunity. ;)

Lynn Osborne said...

How generous. Thanks for the chance to win! lynnosborne[at]verizon[dot]net

Misty.Creek said...

Homemade marshmallows? Wow, I'd love to try those. And on homemade cocoa, too? Yum...

Caren said...

I have visions of sitting in front of a fire with the loved ones, sipping cocoa with marshmallows. Such a lovely gift set.

K. Anne said...

please enter me in your giveaway!