Sunday, January 16, 2011

They Say Winters are Long Here...

But by my standards, I'm looking at its tail end!  Tender crocus and daffodils poke out of the ground, temps reach the 40s (50 today; feels balmy to me!), and it's sometimes wet, but sometimes not.  Sometimes grey, but sometimes not.  They say winter will be long.

I say: Winter's nearly long gone. 
I say: I think I can live here, and I take a deep breath of relief in the moist air.

Pictures from the Columbia River Gorge with special thanks to Marilyn for sharing this experience with me!

View of the Columbia River Gorge and Vista House
View of the Gorge from Vista House
I love moss! Moss loves winter!

Multnomah Falls


Jaime said...

Wow, those photos are beautiful!

Marilyn Miller said...

It was a spectacular view of waterfalls in all their glory and beauty. Thanks for riding along with me.

parTea lady said...

Your Columbia River Gorge photos are great, especially the moss covered wall.

The Multnomah Falls is breathtaking.

artandtea said...

Wow, that looks like a very magical place, Steph. 50 degrees would be very welcome indeed here in New England right now where it was 13 degrees this morning as I drove to work. Brrr... Enjoy the early spring!

mep said...

Gorgeous photos and what you say about winter nearly being long gone gave my spirit a lift (even though I am not in the Pacific Northwest).

Kas said...

Love to hear about your adventures! And your pictures capture my imagination!

Michelle said...

Beautiful pictures! I need to go there! The waterfall picture is just breathtaking. Thanks for sharing. Miss you! xoxo

Angela McRae said...

What gorgeous scenery -- and to get to enjoy it with a kindred spirit? Wow! (I am a moss fan too, BTW!)

Marlena said...

wonderful pictures. When I was a kid, the first real sign of spring was when the mosses began to grow and we would collect them to make dish gardens. I didn't pay much attention to flowers, I was a fields and woods kid. It is going below zero here tonight. It is still winter. We often have our very worst storm in mid March Three years ago we had bad storms for Valentine's, St. Patrick's and Easter. The Great Northeast!!!!!!

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

GorGeous! luved this :)