Background: I purchased the desk at a thrift store for ~$7. I was on a quest to find a desk that actually fits me. I think this is a child's desk, but it fits! The other benefit is that, by being small, it prevents me from stacking up a bunch of crap on it!
The original desk was a natural wood color, but had lots of dents and dings. It had been well used. The front had serious veneer peeling, which the DH fixed with wood puddy (several coats) and lots of sanding. I filled and sanded the scars on the main body.

The light spots indicate blemishes that we've filled with wood puddy, which then has to be sanded (and sanded and sanded) to make it smooth. I used a power sander, but lots of edges and curves had to be hand sanded.
Here's the finished product! The inside drawers are red, along with the drawer pulls and the inside panel of the desk. The red/black color theme matches the Asian decor in my office.

The red drawers make me smile when I open them. It's like a surprise flash of color.

I used a stamp to add three red cherry blossom imprints to the desk. One on the desk surface, one on the front panel and one on the side panel. You can't see those because I couldn't get the photo to load after multiple attempts.
The desk looks beautiful! You guys really did a great job! It probably makes you love it even more since you did the work yourself!
Very cool- I love the red drawers too! Red is my favorite color. :)
I'm impressed! You and Tom did a great job. I really like the red, it makes the desk look really cheerful.
Lookin' good. Nice work. I have only refinished one piece of furniture in my life and it was my desk. I stained it this red red color and love it. I think if I had the patience, I would refinish more furniture.
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