And in case you need a dash of John Denver today, hear him sing Sunshine on My Shoulders.
December 16th, 1773 is the infamous Boston Tea Party. I won't say much about it here because you can read a great summary at the Wikipedia entry. Instead, as I read the entry, I am taking a moment to contemplate our contemporary government. To what extent have wealthy lobbyist, like those for the East India Company, taken over the conversation? What will and won't I tolerate from my own government? An interesting thought progression, all conneted to tea and its history, and convened over a pot of tea.
The Tea Ships
Their canvas flared across teh China Sea,
Back in the misty 'forties ere the steam
And plate steel from the Tyne swept every lea,
Crowding the sail to yards where they might
Of vanished greatness when the seas would
Across their suging prows on washing lanes;
And o'er the waste to catch Nantucket's gleam -
Canton to Boston with their golden gains.
~Thomas J. Murray, c. 1905 and from Tea Poetry, compiled by Pearl Dexter