Through bleary eyes I pick up my Starbucks hot chocolate cup (yes, sometimes I don't order tea!) and see this quote on the back:
"There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women."-- Madeleine K. Albright
Former Secretary of State (first woman to do so) and Ambassador to the UN
Former Secretary of State (first woman to do so) and Ambassador to the UN

This morning, the Albright quote reached out and touched my heart. I am convinced that it is up to the women of this world to make fundamental changes in how cultures and societies behave. Traditionally, women work as a unit - we help each other. The strength in this community is unmeasurable. Women have the power to make this world the best place it can be - we just have to help support each other along the way, step outside of traditional limitations and say "No more" to the injustice of violence, war, domination.
I am impressed with the work of Women for Women International. This organization strives to help women in war zones rebuild their communities. These women become agents of peace. The organization provides education, job skills training and microcredit.
A little closer to home, I admire the efforts of Girls Incorporated. Girls, Inc. inspires our young women to be "strong, smart and bold." I think that's the best mission statement I've ever read! If women are to change this world, we need them strong, smart and bold. Boldness is something I'm growing into and I hope future generations feel even more comfortable claiming their legitimate - and powerful - place in this world.
I grew up in a time when the differences between women and men were more subtle than explicitly restrictive. But it's there and I felt it heavily - in church, in school. Today I still feel it, even in my great company. In society, there exists this subtle insinuation (and expectation) that women are soft, gentle, sweet. Indeed, we are. But we are also strong, powerful and fierce. May we reach deeply into all of our strengths and change this world.