The winery sits on a hill, and the back slopes down (quite steeply) to a pond and lovely picnic area. We had a picnic tea party here, watching the gigantic koi and geese beg (successfully) for food. The day was beautiful, thanks to the shade, breeze and interesting conversation.
We ate cheese and crackers; fresh tomatoes, basil and mozzarella; cream cheese sandwiches; olives. We drank iced tea (sencha kyoto cherry rose festival - green; apricot - black) and other magic concoctions. It was wonderful! Here are a few photos...

View from our picnic spot

Giant Koi

Friend feeding the fish, with the geese descending on the scene
I've drank the Snowy Mountain Jian tea last night and this morning. I really like it. Thanks so much for sending it to me. Sounds like you had fun at the winery, and your daylilies are absolutely beautiful. Well, I'll talk to you soon.
Sorry, that last comment was from your sister.
love ya,
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