My giveaway will include two charm packs of fabric, and tea! The giveaway is open through May 25th, and after that time I'll draw a random winner. Good Luck!
To enter, tell me either what you might do with the charm packs or what you love about Spring.
-- Update -- Wow! I've had such excellent response, I'll pick two winners! Stay tuned!
1 – 200 of 416 Newer› Newest»I've never had a charm pack before, so I'm not sure, but I do make so many little things, maybe a coin pouch. And tea, I am a lover of tea!
thanks for sharing
Ooh yay Give Away! And a great excuse to take out the sewing machine again. And how can I say no to tea?
Not sure what a charm pack is, but if that means it's little pieces of material, I'd probably use it in a patchwork or to decorate larger pieces of material with. Or use them in some Judaica crafting. I need to make myself a new challah cover!
This Good Life
Maybe a little patchwork skirt for my little girl or a quilt. thank you for the giveaway!
I love charm packs! I seem to have a completely inability to cut accurately so without these, jelly rolls and layer cakes i wouldn't really be able to quilt!
My college daughter wants to make a peasant skirt w/ charm packs and she loves tea - so I would gift to her! thanks - loved your blog.
I love charm packs, and if truth be told, I'd probably just collect them, but really want to try some of the recipes on MBS and a cup of tea would be lovely!
thanks for the chance! I love the first blooms of Spring...they really just make me smile :)
I love the warmer temps that spring brings, and all the flowers--snowdrops, crocus, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips and on and on! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm not sure what I'd make but I have a whole lot of little projects I'd like to do, like making an apron, coin purse and pin cushion!
I have a new Schnibbles pattern that is waiting for charm packs. It would be interesting to have someone else pick the charms...hummm..good giveaway!
Mug rugs or some type of quilt!
A charm pack would be nice! and tea to drink it with and admire the colors :) thank you ! I would make a coin wallet or something small . i love smalls :)
I'd make a baby quilt with a charm pack of two :)
We've just heard that my husband's daughter is having a baby so I'd make a baby quilt
Love spring flowers and I will probably make a quilt
Thanks so much for the giveaway!! I love the cool, not too hot and humid weather. And how wonderfully green the yards and trees are - and of course, all the wonderful spring flowers.
Yipee fabric!! I'm all about using small bits of fabric lately although I'm not sure what I'd do with charm packs, they seem to nice to cut up! Perhaps a lap quilt, been needing one of those for a while.
needing = wanting, let's be honest. :)
Tea in itself would be a good thing, but paired with a charm pack - that's great, maybe I would make toys or pouches or mug rugs with it.
i like making them into half square triangles and rain for spring
patchwork lanyards!
I use charm packs for everything!!! Love them
I would probably make some mug rugs & coasters as gifts with the charm packs!! :)
I don't think I could ever really resist a giveaway with tea!
A patchwork blanket would be in order if I won the charm packs. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love charm packs for making bags. and since i live in nh the thing I love about spring is color! no more snow and white!
I can't wait to make a sweet skirt for my daughter or mug rug for myself! Thanks for the chance!
What i love from spring are the sunny but not warm days.
That would be my second charmpack ever, if I were the lucky winner - I would use it in the patchwork blankets, I make - mostly baby quilts, but also a few crazy-wonky ones in grown-up size... thank you for giving away to us!
Love love love charm packs! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I think I'd make a birthday banner for my best friend who is turning 40 this year.
i need to make a baby boy's quilt! thanks for the giveaway!
Well that just sounds quite lovely, indeed! I would likely use the charm packs to create clothing for my art dolls! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I love the warmer days of Spring and the way gardens burst into life. I especially love to see bulbs growing and flowering.
ozknitter AT gmail DOT com
probably patchwork!Thanks for the chance!
My last comment was bounced back so here it is again!!
We've just heard that my husband's daughter is having a baby so a baby quilt!
I love spring because it begins to get warm. I love being warm. Thanks for a sweet giveaway!
You said the magic word - tea!!!
My favorite thing about spring is open windows!
I am a big quilter and would love to make something new to hang on my wall. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this fun contest!
Spring is wonderful because I can finally spread the quilt in the yard and soak up the sun with my little girls.
I LOVE tulips,hyacinths blooming, the weather becoming so nice, sunshine,etc.
I love tilling the soil and planting a garden.
My 7 year old is just learining to sew so I think managable sized fabric like a charm pack would be less intimidating to her. She might be able to start a little blanket for her dolly Kate.
I would make something lovely and it would come out correctly because it is all cut straight!!! Thank you.
I'm not sure what a charm pack is, but I know it's fabric so I hope i win it :D I would probably make coin purses since Im still learning how to sew :D
I would love to use the charm pack to make a wall hanging for my new unborn grandchild. I'll need the tea for when my daughter delivers in December!!!
Ohhhhhhh... charm packs and tea... fantastic giveaway!!!!
I'd use these charms to make a baby quilt for my best friend's son.
Greetings from Spain!
(i discovered you today and I love all that you make)
I have a fun pattern for a charm pack skirt - so that's what I'd make!!
jenicagirl at yahoo dot com
Magnolias are my all-time favorite part of spring! What a beautiful bloom!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Charm packs are awesome. So many things to sew up quickly.
I'd probably make a HST quilt. That's my go to project right now.
commonthreads at me dot com
I don't evenknow for sure what a charm pack is, so I guess I'd decide when I see it- I'm in my first year of sewing & excited to try new things all the time!
Winning a charm pack would certainly put a very broad smile on my dial :)
Thanks for the chance to win.
wendzneil [at] googlemail [dot]com
We are all so energized by spring around here. Our plants, that are started in the dying days of winter, begin to really flourish and all our hard work begins to show it's potential, making us all want to work that much harder! And I love to sit at my new little sewing table which is right near a sunny window, and enjoy a little one on one time with my sewing machine while enjoying some tea and the flowers out my window. Whew! thanks so much for the giveaway! :)
I'm really into making mini quilts recently, so charm packs are perfect for that. Thanks for the great giveaway!!
i never bought a charm pack...but if if it is what i think it is - i'm excited...could always use more charm :)!
i love little bits of different fabric...yards and yards scare me. i would make a little crazy wonky pouch or a fabric illustration
Hi, Steph! Thanks for visiting my blog today. I would love to use a charm pack to make a bed runner for my friend who is turning 60 this summer. We have a goal to quilt together in our old age - far into the future :) Good for you to sew clothes - I've just been making pyjamas for the grandchildren. And I got some Thai Ginger Rooiboos tea yesterday so it's nice to meet another tea drinker. Happy Monday!
If I won I'd make myself either a mugrug or a tea cozy... something perfect for me to use while enjoying the tea!
any charm packs that come my way find their way into quilts or embelshed, vintage wool blankets. I'm so glad to have found your blog, it is lovely!
I'd use the charm packs in a quilt -- I've got lots of baby quilts to make for friends this summer.
Thank you for hosting a great giveaway.
Hmmm.....charm packs and tea....well - quilt and sip of course!
I would make a quilt with the charm packs! I love charm packs!
I'll make doll quilts from the charm pack.
Hugs from Sol in Norway
My favorite thing about spring is being able to go outside without a heavy coat!
I love charm packs, they are so fun to use! I owe my mom a few gifts, so I might do something for her :) Thanks for the chance!
I would do some nice cushions for my sitting room. I love tea! thanks for the chance
Not sure what I'd do with the charm pack yet, but I'm sure I'd think of something. I love Spring because of all the wildflowers! And how you can go out to the desert and not burst immediately into flames.
Hmmm ... I would probably stare at the charm packs while drinking the tea and imagine what I should make out of them! (Sorry to hear about your allergies since I suffer from them as well, but for some reason it's been an easy spring for me!)
I would make a quilt out of the charm packs, or maybe some patchwork bags. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love spring because of all the tulips sprouting, which is my favorite flower.
No clue what I would do with the charm packs...but I can tell you what I love about spring - the fantastic flowers and flowering trees, especially the redbuds, which make me think of my mother, who isn't here to enjoy them this spring.
ppod1too at gmail dot com
The charm packs will find themselves in a quilt, a beautiful quilt. I love the weather in spring, although this year we had about a week and it shot up to 90, hello summer.
Not sure what I'd make...maybe a few potholders! Thanks for the giveaway.
Charm packs! That'll get me started on my "Simplicity" by Camille projects.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
i love that spring has those wacky weather swings, hot then cold then hot and then nice, then crazy again, while i don't love that it means i have winter and summer clothes out at the same time, i do love the variety.
I would love to start a new quilt.
A charm pack and tea! What a lovely combination for a sewing Saturday! I think that I would try to make one of the Moda patterns from the Moda bakery.
Thank you so much for this chance to win!
i love birdsongs!
I love how everything is so fresh at springtime and flowers start to bloom.
I love the awaking of the nature, the blooming and so on in spring! Thanks so much for the give away!
Depending on which line the charm packs are from, I would either make a small quilt for my niece or put together a scrappy little market bag. And I love tea!! :)
Thanks for the chance to win.
depending on the fabric and amount I would probably try a patchwork something...skirt for small child, maybe an apron if there was enough. tissue pouches...coin bag...Im so sure I'll think of many things. TEA...I have a tea drawer in my house and I'm made fun of for that. LOVE me some tea!!
I love the contrast of mud and flowers in spring. It's kind of like having kids.
Since it is still snowing in Utah i don't remember what I love about spring. i would make a bag with the charm packs.
I'll use it in the quilt I'm making to go in my teepee.
Depending on what fabrics they are going to be, I'd either use them in a quilt or for some smaller projects (like pouches or wallets)
I am a quilter, so of course i'd make a quilt!
i've got a new baby coming within the next three weeks, so i would make a quilt for her! thanks for the chance to win.
I´ve never had a charm pack, so I can´t tell you something about it. But I can tell about spring: I love most the colours in the spring, the fresh greens and the little white and light-pink flowers on the trees.
I love the longer days - staying light til after 9... Love it.
I love charm packs. I'd like to try the disappearing 4-patch pattern I've seen mentioned on the web. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would make a pillow out of the charm packs. I already have two patterns that are perfect for using charm packs.
P.S. I love hot tea.
Well, who can say no to tea? (and fabric, of course!)
What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to be a part of it. I love charm packs, and I have a great book full of charm square quilts that I've wanted to try out.
I would make a baby quilt. I have a friend who is expecting twins and would love to make her something special for them.
I would definitely try a quilt!
I love that spring is so different from day to day it might be really hot and sunny, and the next might be chilly and rainy. (I actually prefer the rainy weather!)
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com
I have been playing with some disappearing 9 patch patterns for which charm packs are perfect.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such great fabrics.
Regards from Western Canada,
It depends on what the charm are, but I would probably make a quilt with them. Being precut makes it so much easier... :o)
i love the colors! after months of grey and rain, flowers and new green growth is so welcome!
asdrexler at gmail dot com
I love sunshine in the spring... rain not so much. I love charm packs anytime of year! Skirts, quilts, you name it.
whats not to love about spring.
I love all the color.
As I dont know what the charm packs look like I dont know what I would make with them. However I have been wanting to make a skirt for DD from a tutorial using charm packs. If they would not work for a skirt then a quilt of some kind. And I love the smell of Spring!
Thanks for a chance to win!
I just found a cute quilt pattern that uses charm squares as the center of blocks, I am wanting to try that...
The thing I love about spring is all the flowers I can take pictures of. Thank you for participating in the SMS Giveaway Day.
Ooo tea!
I'm hoarding charms for an eventual true charm quilt (one of each fabric) so that's what I'd do with the charms if I won (or if there are duplicates in there it's what I'd so with some of them). My other favourite charm square use is placemats :)
I've never had a charm pack before but I've got lots of ideas for using small pieces. I would love to put them together and make a skirt or bag. I've just started drinking tea in the past few months and really like it!
I think I'd made a bath mat with a charm pack, or maybe a tote bag. Thanks!
Pick me pick me!!!
hmmm...I'm not sure yet what I will do with the charm pack. Just found out that my BFF is pregnant so i'm sure it will go toward something for the new baby! As for spring - warm weather!
i would make a quilt ofcourse! Great giveaway, thanks for a chance to win!
I would use the charm packs for a quilt. My favorite thing about spring is the warm sunny days.
Thanks for the giveaway!
jessica (at) homfamily (dot) com
Patchwork skirt for DD! :)
I love making quilts, so I would probably make a nice little lap quilt! Or maybe a quilted bookbag! Who knows!
Mug rugs, I think. Mmm, but your blog made me think of wagashi. Love it!
spring flowers!!! LOVE!!
i'm starting to use fabric in my art journaling and card making - so i'd probably use some for that. and then have someone help me make a tote bag - i'm not a great sewer! :)
A little bunting! And I love tea!
I love spring flowers. My irises are in bloom right now.
I love planting my garden in the spring!
OOOOh, I love charm packs! Best invention ever!! OK, that's definitely an exageration, but I love them nonetheless. I like to use them to make quilts, but also to make fabric covered buttons.
I'm so excited to see what tea you'll pick =)
I love lilacs...about Spring! G'Day! I'm here for the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! Please visit me, too:
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
Charm packs are perfect for making a child's memory game (recently featured on sew mama sew!). Thanks for the giveaway!
Charm packs are great fun. Maybe I'll start a quilt.
Great giveaway! I love Spring because I love seeing the flowers start to bloom. Everything is fresh and new. I love using charm packs, and would probably make a Schnibbles quilt pattern. Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway.
I love that the sun starts to make an appearance after 8 months of rain in WA! Nothing makes me happier than when the sun comes out and me and my baby can go outside and play!
I recently made a quilt with the full-sized twister tool. If I had a couple of charm packs, I'd make the mini version! Thanks for the chance to win! akmajor (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh my, I loooove your blog header!!! I am a big fan of tea and vintage cups and saucers. :)
I have never used a charm pack, but I think I would use it to make mug rugs/coasters, fabric flowers for hair accessories or to cover large self cover buttons. :)
I would love include some of the material in a baby quilt for baby #5.
i really need some work on half square triangles...i t hink charm packs would be a great starting point!
Ok Charm packs in this house usually become tablerunners or placemats for DIL. She must change what is on her table 3 times a day by now with all of the ones I have already made her!
The best thing about spring is it is warm enough for motorcycle riding!
I would make a quilt for my baby! She's the only one of my kids that hasn't gotten one yet :)
mtrand2 (at) gmail (dot) com
Not sure what to make-maybe doll quilts? Fav part of spring? Ducks, chicks, mud, seedlings, piglets, birds, peepers. Good times...
I've never used a charm pack before either, so I don't know how big the pieces are! I'd probably use them for appliques on my childrens shirts. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Will probably make a table runner
i love tea! and, I can't cut in a straight line, so charm packs are great. I would make a quilt!
I would probably make a patchwork dress for my grandaughter or a bag. What do I love about spring? FLOWERS check out my blog to see all my lovely flowers:) Drink a cup of tea and enjoy!!
Lovely giveaways! Thank you for the opportunity! I am itching to make a fun diaper bag for our baby who is coming soon. A patchwork one would be so cute!
Make gifts for my friends!
One thing I really love about spring is the bulbs coming up. :D Crocus is my favorite flower, and it's one of the first that comes up in the spring.
What I love about spring is the pale green buds on the trees. :)
Thanks for entering my name!
Oooh, I LOVE charm packs! They are so nice to use, and give you such variety in fabric, while all still coordinating. I'd like to make myself a lap quilt, or something cozy for ME. That would be AWESOME!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I love charm packs, they are great for little baby blankets :)
Hmmm...I've never had a charm pack before, but I think I'd use it for a nice table runner for my kitchen island or maybe a new ironing board cover.
My favorite part of Spring is listening to the melting snow running down the street and trickling into the drain.
Thanks so much for the chance!
Fabric and tea? Cant go wrong! I would probably finally take the plunge into quilting. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am finding precuts to be a fabulous time saver and love putting them together for instant gratification:) I would use them for a quilted throw to keep my toes warm since I seldom wear shoes!
Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway! Tea AND fabric???? Swoon! gggg Today if I won I'd use the charm packs for a quilt, but tomorrow it may be something else! lol I love to ponder all of the possibilities.
What I love about spring is the arrival of the dogwood blossoms, and tulips.
What I love about Spring? That's easy! Spring flowers of course. Lovely little crocuses and daffs and tulips. Makes the heart go pitter-pat!
I love charm packs because I hate cutting fabric. Actually, I hate cutting it off of yardage. If I had a brand new set of charms? I would turn them into HSTs because there is so many design choices without being too technical for me. I'd love some new placemats, really. Although that sounds pretty boring, I guess.
I've never had a charm pack but my girls will help me pick a project out of our folder! I love that spring is so green, after all the months of white I love the color even if I sneeze all the time.
With the Charm packs I might make a purse or a pillow. Thank you for the opportunity to win this. I love the rain that we get in spring it makes me smile even as I am hiding under the covers from the storms. Thanks again.
I would use the charm pack to give English paper piecing a try.
ginger c at gmail dot com
love the new growth of spring and love tea, any tea. Like charm packs as the cutting is all done for you.. thank you for the chance to win... lindacrosby(at)hotmail(dot)com
I love charm pack quilts, but I also want to try my hand at hexies :)
I'm getting my first sewing machine next week and I'd love to use the charm packs for quilts!
Thanks for the opportunity :)
love fabric! I want to sew fall things for my girl!
baby quilts are the order of the day around here... and I love the brief period (in Texas) we can have dinner outside in the spring!
I love charm packs! I'd make a little quilt to donate to my guild's charity auction -
Love charm packs! Probably would make a fun quilt or something
Oo love tea! I think I might make a quilted sunbathing for my toddler. And what I love about spring - lilacs!!
radharas at yahoo dot com
I've never used a charm pack before, but I might use it for a zipper pouch. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love planting a garden in the spring
I'd most likely make new pillows, we're moving in a few weeks and I'd like some new pillows for our living room. Thanks for the giveaway.
hello there!!! I'm trying to post again, I think blogger had a hiccup so I show up twice, please disregard one.
So again, thank you for the chance, it is very generous of you!
I would make one of the many "to do" projects i've got waiting for the right fabric... a lot of them involve charm packs.
maybe a pillow-i think i'd have to see the pack before I knew for sure what I would make (it's kind of like when my hubby makes a bowl from wood-he and the wood have a "conversation" first)!
thanks also for a chance to win!
What I love about spring- all the green and the flowers everywhere!
I don't know what I would do with a charm pack. I have seen a skirt for little girls made out charm pack squares, so I might make one of those for my 3.5 year old.
I think I'd make a quilt for my sister in law.
With a charm pack... I think I'd do something with HSTs... or maybe quarter them and make hexies!!
Spring is the perfect season to get creative with floral fabrics and vintage finds...
xo Steph
i love charm packs. i could make a quilt, a bag, etc. thanks.
I would love to win your giveaway, it is great...
I love charm packs...all sorts of fun ways to create with them! Thanks so much for the giveaway! :-)
Ooooh, What a wonderful giveaway! I love charm packs for lap quilts or coffee table quilts.
I would probably make another "disappearing nine patch quilt". So fast and easy to do with charm packs. Thanks for the chance.
love tea any time of day. Cute coin pouch.
I want to make quilts for lots of people for Christmas this year, so I'd use it for one of those!
I love how excited my daughter gets when spring finally comes around (we're in WI). She just can't wait to play outside.
limor477 at aol dot com
Probably I would make a quilt! I haven't sewn with charm packs before (usually I buy FQ's) but I am always seeing lovely patterns that use them. Thanks for the giveaway, if you get the chance, you can enter mine too :)
I love getting my hands in the dirt and getting stuff growing. Thanks for giving!
Hmmm...maybe a mug rug...seems to be a cool thing these days! Thanks for the chance!
I would make another charm pack cushion!
thx for the chance to win!
I love charm packs for table runners and baby quilts! I'd probably make a quilt to donate to charity!!
I would make a baby quilt with the charm packs!
Oh, I've been needing some cute ones for quilts for my kids! FUN!
There are so many different things I would like to use the Charm Pack for. Since I can't really say what I'll make I will tell you what I love about spring. All the blooming flowers is what I like.
Not sure what a charm pack is, but I'm sure it's lovely. I could tell you what I'm going to do with the tea though. :)
I would love to make a quilt for my little one with the charm packs. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am just learning to sew so something easy for my litle girlies.
Mmm, I love tea and fabric! Not sure what I'd make. I'm starting to get into quilting so perhaps a wall hanging. aliben7 (at) gmail (dot) com
What I love about Spring is FLOWERS! Charm packs always seem perfect for table runners -- I am not formal, but I do love them!
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
I not sure what to plan for the charm pack ^^
Well, maybe will used it to make small patchwork project like wrislet, pencil case and also wallet :)
I'd use them to make half square triangle quilts or placemats.
I would probably make a bag, or a machine mat and thread catcher.
Who doesn't love Spring after the dark and cold Winters? :)
I love charm packs! thanks for a chance to win!
I love charm packs - I'd make a baby quilt or a table runner!
Thanks for the chance :D
My favorite thing about spring is when the lilac bushes bloom! They smell so wonderful!
glad to become a new follower! thanks!
What a great giveaway, sewing and tea is a perfect combination.
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